We counsel and defend developers, manufacturers, and distributors of medical devices and other products and intellectual property in the life sciences industry.
Through a variety of our practice groups, we provide medical device and life sciences clients with counsel and representation related to:
- Class action defense
- Representation and defense concerning fraud and abuse issues, including off-label promotion and kickback issues
- False Claims Act and qui tam defense
- Representation in a wide variety of complex products liability litigation including serving as national and regional counsel to manufacturers.
- Counsel related to the avoidance and defense of product liability claims.
- Representation in employment and labor matters, including compliance and litigation.
- Counsel related to corporate, real estate, construction, and financial transactions.
- Workers' compensation defense in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Our clients in the medical device and life sciences industry include:
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnology
- Biomedical technology
- Cosmeceuticals
- Environmental sciences
- Life systems technology
- Medical devices
- Nueroscience
- Nutraceuticals
Ronald H. Levine
Senior Counsel
Internal Investigations & White Collar Defense
Phone: 215-587-1071
Fax: 215-587-1444
Edward A. Smallwood
Casualty Litigation and Toxic Tort Liability Litigation
Phone: 412-506-6380
Fax: 412-227-9065
Joseph N. Bongiovanni IV
Professional Liability and Casualty Litigation
Phone: 215-587-1001
Fax: 215-587-1444
Christopher D. Gee
Casualty Litigation
Phone: (412) 506-6367
Fax: (412) 506-6368
Daniel S. Altschuler
Principal and Chair, Casualty Litigation Department
Member, Firm Board of Directors
Phone: 215-587-1107
Fax: 215-587-1444
F. Traynor Beck
Chair, Corporate Practice Group
Phone: 215-587-1148
Fax: 215-587-1444