Abe Rein Moderates Panel on Digital Search and Seizures and the Fourth Amendment at PACDL White Collar Conference on Nov. 16
On November 16, 2018, Abraham J. Rein served as the moderator for the panel discussion, "Location Tracking, the CLOUD Act, and More: A Year in the Life of the Fourth Amendment," at the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ (PACDL) White Collar Practice Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Co-panelists included Adam S. Hoffinger of Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP and Jasmeet K. Ahuja of Hogan Lovells.
The panel examined how government digital searches and the “taint team” burst into the popular consciousness when federal law enforcement seized more than a dozen cell phones, iPads, and computer hard drives belonging to President Trump's attorney Michael Cohen. The searches and seizures raised issues about the Fourth Amendment and the attorney-client privilege in the twenty-first century. This panel also addressed a variety of important and timely topics around government search and seizure of digital material.