Abe Rein Serves on an FCLC Panel Examining the Stored Communications Act and Cell Site Technology on Dec. 7
On December 7, 2017, Abraham J. Rein, Co-Chair of the Firm's Information Privacy & Security Practice Group, served as a Panelist for the CLE panel discussion, "Stored Communications Act and Cell Site Technology: Navigating the Law in an Evolving Landscape." The panel took place as part of the Federal Criminal Law Committee (FCLC) for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania's 2017 Annual Meeting at Post & Schell's Philadelphia Office.
The panel, Mr. Rein, Angie Halim of Halim Drossner, P.C., and Jason Silva of Cornerstone Discovery, reviewed the Stored Communications Act, and how courts have wrangled with its warrant requirements and parameters with constantly evolving technology. A forensic expert explained the limitations of data gathered, for use by defense counsel in motion practice and at trial.