Employment Associate Kate Kleba Examines Employees' Rights to Communicate Under the NLRA for the American Health Lawyers Association
In a recent article for the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA), Employment & Employee Relations Associate Kate A. Kleba co-authored an article, "Say What? Employees’ Right to Communicate under the National Labor Relations Act," that examines what employees' right to communicate is under the National Labor Relations Act, including social media use.
Ms. Kleba notes that:
"The NLRB will likely continue to scrutinize employers’ discipline of employees for the use of social media to discuss workplace issues and focus on employers’ control over internal investigations, placing the burden on employers to demonstrate the need for confidentiality in order to justify instructing employees not to discuss matters being actively investigated."
The full article is available for download below (Copyright 2013, American Health Lawyers Association, Washington, DC. Reprint permission granted.)