Health Care Chair Paula Sanders Details How PEPPER Reports Can Help Providers for McKnight's Long Term Care News
Health Care Chair Paula G. Sanders recently discussed how Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Reports, or PEPPER reports, can "enhance operations" for providers in an October 21, 2014 interview with McKnight's Long Term Care News. Ms. Sanders spoke from LeadingAge's annual meeting in Nashville, TN.
In the article, "Expert says providers often wrongly threatened by PEPPER reports," Ms. Sanders notes that the reports, "can increase staff communication regarding billing, facilitating best practices for compliance."
Sanders continued, “I really think of them [PEPPER reports] as an education tool, a road map from the government — the only one they've ever given us.”
Related Resources:
>> Presentation: PEPPER: Tools for Improving Compliance - July 23, 2014
LeadingAge Webinar with Paula G. Sanders and Kimberly Hrehor, Director, TMF Health Quality Institute
This presentation reviewed 2014 PEPPER annual reports and looked at how nursing home and hospice providers can examine the comparative data and use it effectively. It also provides tools for analyzing provider-specific data, and suggestions for incorporating it into an organizations' compliance and quality improvement programs.
Click here for presentation >>
>> Article: Compliance Guide to PEPPERs for Skilled Nursing Facilities - HCCA's Compliance Today - March 2014 issue
Article co-authored by Paula G. Sanders and Laura M. Weeden in the the Health Care Compliance Association's Compliance Today
This article offers guidance on how SNFs can best comply with their facilities' PEPPER reports, touching on, among other topics:
- How PEPPER is a roadmap for assessing areas at risk of improper Medicare billing
- How to use PEPPER to support the auditing and monitoring component of compliance
- Why failure to review PEPPER findings may be seen as reckless disregard