Health Care Chair Paula Sanders Presents on LeadingAge Webinar, "PEPPER: Tools for Improving Compliance" on July 23
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 1:00 pm ET, Health Care Chair Paula G. Sanders co-presented with Kimberly Hrehor, Director, TMF Health Quality Institute, on the webinar, "PEPPER: Tools for Improving Quality and Compliance."
The webinar, sponsored by LeadingAge, reviewed 2014 PEPPER annual reports and looked at how nursing home and hospice providers can examine the comparative data and use it effectively. Both speakers provided participants with tools for analyzing provider-specific data, and suggestions for incorporating it into an organizations' compliance and quality improvement programs, including:
- How to analyze PEPPER to compare therapy data regarding skilled nursing and hospice care at the state, regional and national levels.
- Learn to use PEPPER data to enhance quality of care and reduce the risk of adverse audit findings related to the delivery of certain therapy services.
- Tools for incorporating key therapy indicators into data dashboards to support internal auditing and monitoring activities.
Related Resources:
- Presentation: "What You Need to Know about the 2014 PEPPERS Reports," Pennsylvania Health Care Association (PHCA) and the Center for Assisted Living Management (CALM) Webinar (June 3, 2014)
- Article: "Coming Soon: Electronic PEPPER Reports," PADONA Journal (May-August 2014)
- Article: "Compliance Guide to PEPPERs for Skilled Nursing Facilities," HCCA's Compliance Today (March 2014)