Health Care Chair Paula Sanders Reviews Best Practices in Reading and Using the PEPPER Report for Skilled Nursing Facilities on Dec. 9 Webinar
Paula G. Sanders, Principal and Chair of the Firm's Health Care Practice Group, presented on a webinar sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators (PANAC). The webinar, titled, "Reading and Using the PEPPER Report," took place December 9.
The PEPPER report, or Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report, "provides valuable insight not only into the individual operations of a skilled nursing facility (SNF), but also comparative government-generated data at the state, regional and national levels." However, "many SNFs lack a thorough understanding of how best to use their PEPPER reports, thereby missing opportunities for quality improvement as well as risk reduction."
The webinar included Ms. Sanders, as well as Stephanie Kessler, a Principal with the Senior Living Services Consulting Group at Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP. Topics covered included how to analyze PEPPER reports and evaluate therapy data in comparison to other SNFs and how to utilize PEPPER reports to implement more robust review of therapy procedures and improve quality of care.