Information Technology Chair Steve Fox Provides Update on EHR Regulations for the American Health Lawyers Association
In an email alert to the Health Information and Technology Practice Group members of the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA), Principal and Information Technology Chair Steve Fox provides an update on the status of two companion regulations, one from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service, and one from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General. Both regulations address the subsidized donation of electronic health record software (EHRs), information technology, and training services to health care providers, which are set to expire sunset December 31.
In discussing the regulations, Mr. Fox notes:
"If final regulations extending the sunset date are not issued by December 31, then as of January 1, 2014, health care organizations immediately must discontinue all subsidized donations of EHRs not otherwise protected under a separate regulation." "...this gap would have a significant financial impact on thousands of health care providers who are currently benefiting from the subsidies."
Copyright 2013, American Health Lawyers Association, Washington, DC. Reprint permission granted.