Jim Kutz Co-Presents on Defending Healthcare Professionals in Licensure and Disciplinary Hearings at PBI CLE on Dec. 4
On December 4, 2018, Principal James J. Kutz co-presented, "The Prosecution and Defense of the Healthcare Professional - M.D. / D.O. / D.M.D / D.D.S." at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's (PBI) CLE Seminar "Representing Physicians and Dentists 2018" in Philadelphia, PA.
The presentation examined the process of how healthcare professionals are licensed, prosecuted, and defended in licensure and disciplinary actions in Pennsylvania. This included:
- A review of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA) and state licensing boards.
- How the Department of State Office of Chief Counsel coordinates with state licensure boards and the BPOA on disciplinary actions.
- A review of the professional suspension and reinstatement process in Pennsylvania.