Karyn Rienzi Serves as Moderator on Panel Exploring Appellate Arguments and Best Practices for Philadelphia Bar Association CLE on April 28
On April 28, 2022, at 2:00 pm ET, Karyn Dobroskey Rienzi moderated the virtual panel CLE discussion, "My First Appellate Argument," for the Philadelphia Bar Association. In addition to Ms. Rienzi, the panel included the Honorable Alice Beck Dubow, Superior Court of Pennsylvania; the Honorable Carolyn H. Nichols, Superior Court of Pennsylvania; Charles “Chip” Becker, Esq., Partner, Kline & Specter, P.C.; and Abigail Horn, Esq., Assistant Federal Defender, Appeals Unit Federal Community Defender Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
The panel was co-hosted by the Philadelphia Bar Association's Appellate Courts Committee, Federal Courts Committee, Criminal Justice Section, and Young Lawyers Division.
Performing an appellate argument for the first time can be one of the most anxiety-producing, challenging, and at the same time, exciting experiences for litigators. This panel discussion provided practical pointers regarding how to achieve success in an appellate argument by offering guidance on argument preparation, insight into what happens at the argument, and examining potential pitfalls. The panel offered an opportunity to hear from experienced Superior Court Judges and appellate attorneys on how to effectively argue a case on appeal.
The panel also examined:
- How to prepare for an argument
- What to expect when appearing before the appellate courts
- The do’s and don’ts of appellate arguments
- Tips from Judges and counsel as to how to make your most compelling arguments