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Lindsay Berkstresser Serves as a Course Planner and Moderator for PBI's Public Utility Law Conference Electric Update 2021 on October 12

Lindsay A. Berkstresser recently served as a course planner for the electric utility update and moderator for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's (PBI) Public Utility Law Conference Electric Update 2021 on October 12, 2021. 

The first panel discussion Ms. Berkstresser moderated, "FERC Capacity and Transmission Update," focused on current issues facing the integration of new capacity resources into the grid. The panelists provided an update on proceedings that are ongoing at the FERC and PUC to address the challenges associated with the interconnection of these resources, as well as the important role of the electric transmission and distribution grid in integrating emerging resources. 

The second panel discussion she moderated, "Hot Topics in Renewable Energy," provided an update on the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act and the impacts of Pennsylvania’s closing the border for solar credits, as well as related generation interconnection and transactional issues.