Maiken Scott, Host of WHYY's "The Pulse," Speaks at Post & Schell's Annual Women's History Month Reception
WHYY's Maiken Scott poses with Post & Schell attorneys prior to the Firm's Women's History Month reception on March 3, 2016. From Left to Right: Marcie A. Courtney, Sheila A. Haren, Jill A. Gilden, Karyn Dobroskey Rienzi, Kathleen K. Kerns, Kathleen Chancler, Robin Locke Nagele, WHYY's Maiken Scott, Cynthia A. Haines, Sarah C. Yerger, Lindsay B. Andreuzzi, Mary Ellen Reilly, Stacey M. Zavalas, Andrea M. Kirshenbaum, Patrice A. Toland
Philadelphia, PA - March 4, 2016 - Maiken Scott, host of WHYY Radio's The Pulse, shared her thoughts on the evolving women's health landscape, her professional journey, and the impact of digital media, as she addressed attendees at Post & Schell's annual Women's History Month Reception on March 3, 2016.
Post & Schell hosts the annual reception in its Philadelphia Conference Center in honor and celebration of the contributions of women throughout history and in contemporary society. This year's event was attended by over 100 clients, business leaders, attorneys, and friends of the Firm.
As host of The Pulse, Maiken examines stories at the heart of health, science and innovation. Since its launch in December 2013, The Pulse has crafted a unique, “ground-level” approach to telling compelling stories and breaking down complicated issues.
In addition to her role as host of The Pulse, Maiken serves as WHYY’s behavioral health reporter, examining a variety of issues ranging from the emotional impact of stress to new treatments for depression to conditions in boarding homes for mentally ill people. Her approach to reporting on behavioral health has been to cast a wide-net - to not just look for stories on mental illness, but to look for mental health angles in current news stories and topics.
Maiken started at WHYY as a radio producer for several weekly programs, and joined the news room as a reporter in 2008.