Paula Sanders and Cindy Haines Present at PACAH 2018 Fall Conference on Sept. 25
On September 25, 2018, Paula G. Sanders and Cynthia A. Haines presented at the Pennsylvania Coalition of Affiliated Healthcare & Living Communities (PACAH) 2018 Fall Conference in Pocono Manor, PA.
Ms. Sanders presented, "Legal Potpourri: What's New for 2018/2019," which examined, among other topics, CMS ROPs for Phase 3, risks under Pennsylvania’s Act 53 (HB 1124), which created new criminal liability for neglect and abuse of care-dependent persons, strategies for incorporating training about abuse and neglect prevention, and reporting requirements.
Ms. Haines presented, "Community HealthChoices (CHC): A Practical Approach," examining Pennsylvania’s mandatory managed care program for individuals who are eligible for both Medical Assistance and Medicare, older adults, and individuals with physical disabilities and geared towards facility leadership and those who work in payer contracting. The presentation addressed what providers can do now to put themselves in the best position possible going into CHC negotiations, the tricky concept of “incorporation by reference" and the critical terms found in the Definitions Section of the Contract, the importance of understanding the quality terms and measures, the special issues surrounding admission and discharge, Process Considerations, and what is imperative to address before signing contracts.
PACAH is the leading voice for Pennsylvania's healthcare and living communities. Formed in 1951 to represent county nursing facilities, PACAH now represents over 143 diverse long-term living and supports providers and associated businesses, including both county, veterans, private, and non-profit nursing facilities.