Rich McMonigle Serves as Course Planner, Lindsay Andreuzzi as Faculty, for PBI's "Litigating the Insurance Bad Faith Claim" on Dec. 8
Insurance Law Chair Richard L. McMonigle, Jr. served as the Course Planner for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's (PBI) "Litigating the Insurance Bad Faith Claim," on Friday, December 8, 2017 in PBI's CLE Conference Center in Philadelphia and simulcast to locations across Pennsylvania. Insurance Law Principal Lindsay B. Andreuzzi also served as a member of the CLE course's faculty.
The half-day session provided an overview of navigating the dangers of insurance bad faith claims and an update on the Pennsylvania statute and procedural issues. The faculty also covered:
- The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s brand new decision in Rancosky v. Washington National Insurance Company. Did one side benefit more than the other? Has anything changed?
- Berg v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company: What is happening with the largest bad faith verdict ever recorded against an insurer in Pennsylvania?
- Choosing the venue for bad faith litigation: Is federal court “where bad faith cases go to die?”
- The continuing evolution of the first- and third-party common law bad faith claims.
- Pleading issues: how detailed must the bad faith complaint be?
- The continuing debate over severance and bifurcation in post-Koken UM and UIM claims.
- Issues concerning the discoverability of claims-handling documents, and protection afforded for attorney communications.
- Claims handling experts: needed or not?
- Presenting and defending against claims for compensatory and consequential damages.
- Strategic considerations at trial in presenting, and defending against, the bad faith claim.
- Legal issues on the horizon.