Robin Nagele Co-Presents on Privilege Protection and Patient Safety Evaluation Systems (PSES) at The Hospital Quality Institute’s PSES Virtual Summit on May 25
On May 25, 2022 at 9:15 am ET, Robin Locke Nagele co-presented, "Securing Privilege Protection Through Your PSES," for the Hospital Quality Institute's (HQI) Patient Safety Evaluation System 2022 Virtual Summit.
This session discussed the legal protections and framework for a Patient Safety Evaluation System (PSES) and explained how providers can document the PSES to maximize the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act privilege protection for patient safety work plan — using the statutory text, regulations, and preamble guidance to combat common misperceptions from attorneys and courts.
The presenters discussed:
- Designing your PSES to gain maximum privilege protection.
- Common mistakes made by attorneys and judges about the Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP) privilege, and how to protect against them.
- The federal Act’s patient safety goals.
- How sharing PSWP within your health system and external partners can further safety objectives and preserve strict privilege protection.