Robin Nagele and Kerry Maloney Examine COVID-19 Telehealth Considerations for PA and NJ Providers for Law360
In the April 15, 2020 Law360 article, "COVID Telehealth Considerations For Providers In Pa. and NJ," Robin Locke Nagele and Kerry E. Maloney examine the various considerations for Pennsylvania and New Jersey healthcare providers as they expand telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their analysis includes payment considerations, HIPAA and privacy concerns, and state licensure requirements.
The authors note:
"The capacity to provide services through telehealth is expanding rapidly to meet the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. However, careful attention not only to the federal requirements, but to state-specific regulations, accreditation standards, and the mandates of individual non-Medicare payment plans is also required."
Click here to read the full article (subscription required).