Ron Levine Testifies on Proposed Sentencing Guidelines Amendments Before the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) on Feb. 8
On February 8, 2018, Internal Investigations & White Collar Defense Practice Group Chair Ronald H. Levine testified before the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) on behalf of the USSC Practitioners Advisory Group. Mr. Levine testified about several proposed amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, advisory rules intended to create more uniform, proportionate and transparent treatment at sentencing of individuals and organizations convicted of federal crimes.
Mr. Levine was appointed Chair of the Practitioners Advisory Group in October 2016. The Group is comprised of private criminal defense attorneys appointed from each federal judicial circuit, as well as at-large appointees. It provides the USSC with the private federal criminal defense bar’s views and suggestions about the USSC's priorities and proposed Sentencing Guideline amendments.
The USSC, an independent agency located in the judicial branch of the federal government, was created by Congress in 1984 to develop and refine sentencing policy for the federal courts.
Click here to read proposed amendments to the Sentencing Guidelines for 2018.