DOL Issues Second Round of Guidance on Families First Coronavirus Response Act March 26, 2020 By: and
DOL Issues Initial Guidance on Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Publishes Required Model Notice March 25, 2020 By: and
Workers' Compensation Rights/ Obligations in Light of the Forced Government Shutdown Due to COVID-19 March 22, 2020 By: Karyn Dobroskey Rienzi and Jill A. Gilden
President Signs Bill Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Leave to Employees Affected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 March 18, 2020 By: and
Coronavirus/COVID-19, Construction Contracts, and Legal Next Steps March 16, 2020 By: Mason Avrigian Jr. and Paul A. Logan
House Amends Bill Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Leave to Employees Affected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 March 16, 2020
U.S. House Passes Bill Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Leave to Employees Affected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 March 15, 2020
Commonwealth Court Affirms PUC's Use of End of Test Year Methodology for Calculation of the Fully Projected Future Test Year and Application of Act 40 January 15, 2020
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Clarifies Time Limitations for Joinder Petitions January 5, 2020 By: Karyn Dobroskey Rienzi and Patrick T. Cusick