Kate Kleba Co-Presents on Managing FMLA/ADA Issues for the National Association of College and University Attorneys on March 22
On March 22, 2018, Employment & Employee Relations Principal Kate A. Kleba co-presented, "It's Tricky: Effectively Managing FMLA and ADA Issues on Campus," at the National Association of College and University Attorneys' (NACUA) 2018 Labor & Employment CLE in Philadelphia, PA. Ms. Kleba co-presented with Lili Palacios-Baldwin, Associate General Counsel for Labor and Employment at Tufts University and Robert J. Toy, Senior Counsel, Employment & Commercial Litigation at Thomas Jefferson University.
The presentation focused on common challenges for colleges and universities when dealing with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employee claims, extended leave as an accommodation, and strategies for dealing with suspected FMLA abuse. They also examined campus mental health issues and the interplay with the FMLA and ADA and offered hypotheticals and Q&A interaction with the audience.