Pat Lamb and Amanda Hammar Examine Trying a Case Before the Social Media Generation for The Legal Intelligencer's 2019 Personal Injury Supplement
In The Legal Intelligencer's 2019 Personal Injury Supplement, Patrick C. Lamb and Amanda R. Hammar authored the article, "Trying a Case Before the Social Media Generation." The article examines the challenges, and opportunities, in keeping the attention of jurors conditioned to smartphones and video content.
The authors note:
"While the use of technology in the courtroom has been heralded over the last 10 years, many trial attorneys rely, at most, upon PowerPoint presentations. Displaying black words on a white background is not sufficient to trigger...perceptual understanding... Instead, these images require the jury to assess the displayed information... trial attorneys are better served by proving their points and advancing their positions with perceptive communication, not merely spoken or written words."