Angela Sanders Provides Employment Law Update for Municipal Employers at the PSATS South Central Regional Forum on Aug. 31
On August 31, 2022 at 10:25 am ET, Angela H. Sanders presented an Employment Law Update for Municipal Employers at the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) South Central Regional Forum. The Forum was held at the Lancaster County Eden Resort & Suites, 222 Eden Road, Lancaster, PA 17601.
Ms. Sanders provided an overview of recent and upcoming developments in employment law. Whether your township has one employee or one hundred, the program covered what’s happening in the world of municipal employment, proactive strategies to plan for changes in the law, and recommendations for new policies and practices in 2023.
Topics included:
- CDL Update for Public Works
- Medical Marijuana Update
- Free Speech in Public Employment
- New Issues Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (opioid guidance, technology issues, sexual orientation/gender identity issues, long COVID)
- Mental Health in the Workplace
- CPSL Provisional Hiring
- Severance Agreements and RTKL Issues